Welcome to my new blog; where you'll be able to follow my journey being part of The Lightbox Gallery's, new children's book retrospective, Escape To Wonderland. 7 Aug-2 Jan '11. Please feel free to leave comments and ask questions. Prints of my work will be made available. And you can also book me for workshops and talks.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Welcome All!

This is my first blog post to this lovely, brand spanking new, blog- can you smell the new paint? And the eagerness of the all those new, freshly-formed letters? Ahh, exciting times, people!

As you may have read, this blog will be about my Escape To Wonderland; that is, my small part in what is set to be an AMAZING children's book exhibition, dreamt up by the fantastic people at The Lightbox, Woking.

Anyway, this is going to be my way of keeping all the blog posts related to this exciting topic all in one place. You can also visit my main blog here, for all the regular news and gossip.


  1. Gosh, the paint's still wet! My Top Hat is ruined!

  2. lol, Laurie. My appologies, I shall have Jeeves clean it up for you! :)
